This translation was a collaboration between the following translators: Camila Moraes, Cecilia Bragunde and Bruno Bernengo.

The idea was to come up with a plan in which three translators new to the use of CAT tools where able to work as a team to deliver a translation using the most basic and rudimentary tools available using CAT tools.

While translating we found out that the most important part of translation as a group is to give yourselves some time working on glossaries, so that the most important terms do not get mixed up on the translation. Having a shared TM is helpful, but it is not as useful as a well-designed glossary.


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All you need is rename index_rev_es-LA (1).html to index.html, re-upload as a zip file and mark it as "This file will be played in the browser". Many more people will see it this way :)